Change Log
1.0.8 - March 18/2021
- enhancement: show the timestamp on log entries
- enhancement: trace details of failed Opendime verifications to aid debug
- bugfix: “Toggle AP Enable” on firmware page did not work reliably
- bugfix: incorrect display when internal access point disabled, and no network connection
1.0.7 - Nov 16/2020
- enhancement: grab the tag name(s) into your clipboard, using new “Clipboard” button.
- enhancement: added a honey badger image for API use:
. Thanks to
@vicariousdrama for this image.
- bugfix: better support for Firebox browser
1.0.6 - Nov 7/2020
- bugfix: system could be bricked by using “Wipe All Settings” or “Factory Reset” (if version 1.0.5)
1.0.5 - Nov 6/2020
- bugfix: if Opendime connected already at power-up, once removed, screens are ‘empty’
for up to 5 minutes until next timed update.
- bugfix: handle connection issues better for Opendime balance checking.
1.0.4 - Nov 2/2020
- bugfix: blank server backend URL didn’t default correctly
1.0.3 - Oct 22/2020
1.0.2 - Oct 21/2020
- bugfix: searching for “last” would not work, caused page error / page reload
1.0.1 - Oct 21/2020
- bugfix: web sometimes unresponsive after “Get Latest” when no upgrade was needed.
- minor: change label on Time Format to AM/PM vs. 24 hours correct Animation speed default.
1.0.0 - Oct 21/2020